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Change Log

2024-10-16: add account email and busienss serial number to Balance Update endpoint, add account email to Account Update endpoint.

2024-07-29: add Business Type to Balance Update endpoint

2023-07-15: update balanceUpdate trigger condition

2022-08-19: add weight infomation for all interfaces

User Data Streams for Coins (2022-08-19)

General WSS information

  • The base endpoint is:
  • A User Data Stream listenKey is valid for 60 minutes after creation.
  • Doing a PUT on a listenKey will extend its validity for 60 minutes.
  • Doing a DELETE on a listenKey will close the stream and invalidate the listenKey.
  • Doing a POST on an account with an active listenKey will return the currently active listenKey and extend its validity for 60 minutes.
  • The base websocket endpoint is: wss://
  • User Data Streams are accessed at /openapi/ws/<listenKey>
  • A single connection to api endpoint is only valid for 24 hours; expect to be disconnected at the 24 hour mark

API Endpoints

Create a listenKey

POST /openapi/v1/userDataStream

Start a new user data stream. The stream will close after 60 minutes unless a keepalive is sent.that listenKey will be returned and its validity will be extended for 60 minutes.

Weight: 1




  "listenKey": "1A9LWJjuMwKWYP4QQPw34GRm8gz3x5AephXSuqcDef1RnzoBVhEeGE963CoS1Sgj"

Ping/Keep-alive a listenKey

PUT /openapi/v1/userDataStream

Keepalive a user data stream to prevent a time out. User data streams will close after 60 minutes. It’s recommended to send a ping about every 30 minutes.

Weight: 1





Close a listenKey

DELETE /openapi/v1/userDataStream

Close out a user data stream.

Weight: 1





Web Socket Payloads

Account Update

outboundAccountPosition is sent any time an account balance has changed and contains the assets that were possibly changed by the event that generated the balance change.

Payload: balance snapshot

  "e": "outboundAccountPosition", // Event Type
  "E": 1564034571105,             // Event Time
  "u": 1564034571073,             // Account Last Update time
  "B": [                          // Balance
      "a": "ETH",                 // Asset
      "f": "10000.000000",        // Free
      "l": "0.000000"             // Locked
  "em": ""          // Account email,This parameter will only be provided when the master account is whitelisted and there has been a balance change on the sub-account.

Balance Update

balanceUpdate is pushed upon non trading fund activities - transfer / deposit / withdrawal

Payload: contains balance changed

  "e": "balanceUpdate",         // Event Type
  "E": 1573200697110,           // Event Time
  "a": "ETH",                   // Asset
  "d": "100.00000000",          // Balance Delta
  "T": 1573200697068,           // Clear Time
  "em": "",        // Account email,This parameter will only be provided when the master account is whitelisted and there has been a balance change on the sub-account.
  "BI": "123456789"             // Business serial number,This parameter will only be provided when the master account is whitelisted and there has been a balance change on the sub-account.

Order Update

Orders are updated with the executionReport event. Check the API documentation and below for relevant enum definitions. Average price can be found by doing Z divided by z.


  "e": "executionReport",        // Event type
  "E": 1499405658658,            // Event time
  "s": "ETHBTC",                 // Symbol
  "c": "1000087761",             // Client order ID
  "S": "BUY",                    // Side
  "o": "LIMIT",                  // Order type
  "f": "GTC",                    // Time in force
  "q": "1.00000000",             // Order quantity
  "p": "0.10264410",             // Order price
  "P": "0.00000000",             // Stop price
  "x": "NEW",                    // Current execution type
  "X": "NEW",                    // Current order status
  "r": "NONE",                   // Order reject reason
  "i": 1241518645726809840,      // Order ID
  "l": "0.00000000",             // Last executed quantity
  "z": "0.00000000",             // Cumulative filled quantity
  "L": "0.00000000",             // Last executed price
  "n": "0",                      // Commission amount
  "N": null,                     // Commission asset
  "T": -1,                       // Transaction time
  "t": -1,                    	 // Trade ID
  "w": true,                     // Is the order on the book?
  "m": false,                    // Is this trade the maker side?
  "O": 1499405658657,            // Order creation time
  "Z": "0.00000000"              // Cumulative quote asset transacted quantity
  "Y": "0.00000000",             // Last quote asset transacted quantity (i.e. lastPrice * lastQty)
  "Q": "0.00000000"              // Quote Order Qty

Execution types:

  • NEW - The order has been accepted into the engine.
  • CANCELED - The order has been canceled by the user.
  • REJECTED - The order has been rejected and was not processed.
  • TRADE - Part of the order or all of the order’s quantity has filled.
  • EXPIRED - The order was canceled according to the order type’s rules (e.g. LIMIT FOK orders with no fill, LIMIT IOC or MARKET orders that partially fill) or by the exchange.